About the EASRA

EASRA stands for the European Association of Sustainability Rating Agencies.*

Established in Paris, France, in the Spring of 2023, the association aims to become the representative body of a relatively new breed of sustainable finance European service providers. The EASRA members stand for transparency, rigor, independence and the promotion of double materiality. They believe that their collective mission is critical to help channel private investment into the transition to a climate-neutral, climate-resilient, resource-efficient and fair European economy, as a complement to public money.

* In French: Association Européenne des Agences de Notation Extra-Financière (AEANEF)


The ESG practice was born and developed in Europe. This is where the main providers of ESG ratings and data have developed. Consolidation of this market has been very active, with most of these European players being acquired one after the other by non European Providers.

The sovereignty dimension of ESG issues no longer needs to be proven: many differences in the assessment of risks and opportunities linked to the environment, the social field and corporate governance exist between the different continents. It is essential that European jurisdictions be able to assert their own standards – as much aligned with one another as possible.


Like market infrastructures (regulated and unregulated exchanges, clearing houses, central securities depositories) and credit rating agencies, or even proxy voting agencies, ESG rating providers are becoming essential components of vibrant financial markets.

EASRA therefore calls on the European legislators, where relevant, to introduce binding provisions in future regulations to support suppliers ultimately controlled by European owners.

Double materiality

EASRA is committed to operationalise the concept of double materiality, a cornerstone of the overall European regulatory framework for sustainable finance.

Should a provider elect to not apply the double materiality principle, its production should be “earmarked” as “single materiality (sm)” or “financial materiality (fm)”. In addition, this provider would be expected to explain its choice to not deliver on double materiality.

Support SMEs

EASRA is committed to detailed ESG coverage of SMEs, something that is currently largely neglected by the main ratings providers.

The very important role of mid-sized companies in the European economy makes it necessary to include SMEs effectively in the just transition.

Board members


Julia Haake



Emmanuel de La Ville



Gordon Tveito-Duncan



Antoine Mach




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